Basic Project

Create a foundational readme with essential sections for project description, installation, usage, contributing, and license details.

Web Application

Comprehensively document web applications with sections covering project overview, features, technologies used, installation, usage examples, deployment, and contact information.


Ideal for libraries or packages, includes sections for project description, installation, usage guide, API reference, examples, contributing guidelines, version history, and licensing details.

Command-Line Tool

Effectively document command-line tools with sections for project description, installation, usage guide with examples, options/flags reference, contributing guidelines, and licensing information.


Capture software frameworks comprehensively with sections covering project overview, core concepts, getting started guide, configuration options, usage examples, advanced features, contributing guidelines, and licensing details.

Documentation-Driven Development

Suited for documentation-driven projects, includes sections for project introduction, requirements, use cases, design overview, API reference, examples/tutorials, testing/QA, contributing guidelines, and licensing details.

Open Source Project

Perfect for open-source projects, includes sections for project overview, contribution guidelines (including code of conduct and pull request process), code structure, installation/usage, CI/CD setup, roadmap, future plans, and licensing information.

Game Development

Tailored for game development projects, includes sections for game overview, installation/setup, gameplay mechanics, controls, screenshots/videos, troubleshooting, credits/acknowledgments, and licensing details.